5 reasons why you have time to start a business this year

Many people are overwhelmed by the thought of starting a business because they think that their business plan needs to be complete when they start. What those people don’t know is that businesses are always growing and the plans are always changing.


Here is my definition of a business. A business is a series of side projects built around a specific topic or niche interest group. These side projects form several streams of income, producing profit that fills up financial reservoirs.

This is how to start a business practically. Work your day job and figure out how to monetize your passion projects on the side.

You’re probably thinking, “Will people even pay for this thing that I enjoy doing?” 

Congratulations! You’ve just discovered one of the fastest ways to kill a good idea. We crush our imagination and limit our potential when we ask if someone will pay for something. Instead, we should be asking if what we are offering Is providing any sort of value. 

No matter what century we’re in, and what the economic climate is like, people will always purchase or exchange services for something of value. 

Here are the five types of value that people purchase. 
Learning, Feeling, Bonding, Defending, and Collecting.

If you’re unsure if your side project has value, then ask a friend. Sometimes it’s hard to see the value in your own creations and work. 

Now what is holding you back? Oh yeah! Time.
Well, let’s jump that hurdle so you can set up your startup this year.

You need way less time than you think.

At just 5 mins a day you have just over 30 hours a year. In some places that is 1 week of full-time work. 

Everyone has the same number of hours in their day and some people choose to use them to start making extra income.

Here are five reasons why you have enough time to start a business this year. 

1. If you were able to believe in Santa Claus for 8 years, then you can believe in yourself for 5 mins a day. 


2. If you have time to stream hours of video content online, then you have time to start a business.


3. If you have time to stalk your ex on social media, then you have time to start a business. 


4. There are only benefits from building multiple streams of income. 


5. When we really want things we find a way. When we don’t really want something we make an excuse.


Thanks for reading!

Fariss Ryan

Founder of Fariss Ryan Designs & The Well Setup Startup Blog.


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